Proverbs 15:15: A Cheerful Heart

   “All the days of the oppressed are wretched, but the cheerful heart has a continual feast.” (Proverbs 15:15, NIV)  

   “All the days of the needy are bad, But a cheerful heart has a continual feast.” (Proverbs 15:15, NASB 2020)  

   “All the days of the afflicted are evil, but the cheerful of heart has a continual feast.” (Proverbs 15:15, ESV)  

There’s a scene in the movie “A Little Princess” where Sarah wakes up with nothing. She is oppressed by the school master. She has no family, no food and no heat. Sarah’s friend complains that she is cold and she is so hungry. 

But Sarah would not be “oppressed” by her situation. She would not think like a “needy” person. She chose to think like someone with “a continual feast.” She began describing all the food her imagination could create. Before long, the girls were laughing and had “cheerful hearts” despite their poverty.  

Their situation soon changed in reality, but in that moment, Sarah had a choice. Rather than considering herself a victim—oppressed, needy and afflicted—she chose the opposite of those conditions. She chose joy. She chose to have “a cheerful heart.”  

Some of us may be oppressed. There are days when needy and afflicted may be our reality. But often, it is a state of mind. Notice in Proverbs 15:15 that the contrast is between the needy person (and they may truly be needy) and “a cheerful heart.” The contrast is not between an oppressed/needy/afflicted person and the person whose life is perfect—the non-oppressed, non-needy and non-afflicted. The contrast is with “a cheerful heart.” 

The heart is the inner person—hidden from sight. It cannot be reached by our outward circumstances unless we let it. To have a cheerful heart is to choose a cheerful heart. It is a state of mind. But it is much more than just pretending. For most of us, most of the time, it is the simple matter of a reality check. 

Am I really oppressed? No. Am I really needy? Never. Am I really afflicted? Hardly. My life is “a continual feast.” I have family who love me—they have my back if I need something. I have a church family who would most likely bail me out of any predicament I got myself into. I always have plenty to eat—much more than I need. I have a soft pillow and mattress every night. I have good work to do. More opportunities for bettering my life than I can even imagine. I live in the greatest country in the greatest of times.

Most of all, I have an awesome Father in heaven. He is all-powerful, all-knowing, always-present, always-good, constantly working all things for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. He is always just, always generous, always providing more than I need. My life is a continual feast of good things from my good and perfect heavenly Father. I need only see things as they truly are.  

A cheerful heart comes from a reality check—thinking rightly about God’s goodness, His blessing, His care and provision and protection. Even if I become genuinely oppressed, needy and afflicted tomorrow, He will still be just, good and loving. He is forever and always worthy of a cheerful heart.  

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