Ready to Jump?

[ Note: This post appeared in the Lawrence Journal-World. I was asked to write it for the Faith Forum section. ]

Are There Defined Stages of Faith?

Many people mock faith. But, the Bible tells us God is pleased by it (Hebrews 11:6). So, it’s important to understand four stages of faith:

The first stage is knowledge. God has spoken and what He said was recorded in the Bible. So, faith begins by acquiring knowledge of what God has said and done in history. This stage is like learning about parachutes.

The second stage is to accept that knowledge as true. This stage is like believing that a parachute will save your life if you jump.

The third stage of faith is crucial: The stage of trust. This is what is called “saving faith”. This stage of faith is like actually strapping on a parachute and jumping out of a plane. Knowledge and accepting something as true are important stages, but they’re not enough. The Bible teaches that even demons have these kinds of faith (James 2:19), but that does not “save” them. “Saving faith” is trusting Jesus Christ with your eternal destiny.

There’s at least one more stage of faith. When followers of Christ live according to the teaching of Christ and His Apostles. This is living by faith. This is like trusting the parachute after you jump.

Here’s the full picture:

  • Sin separates us from God (the plane is going to crash).
  • So, God sent Jesus to die on the cross and rise from the dead in order to pay for our sin, reconcile us to Himself and save us from hell (He provided a parachute).
  • But, God doesn’t force this solution on us. He offers it as a “free gift” (Romans 6:23). When we receive that gift by faith (jump), God is pleased and we are saved to live a life of faith now and enjoy Him forever.

So, receive God’s gift by faith … jump!

Posted in Foundations.

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