Dumb Question?

[ Note: This post appeared in the Lawrence Journal-World. I was asked to write it for the Faith Forum section. ]

“Why would God favor one football team over another?”

“Sure, Journal-World Editor, I’d love to answer a question for the Faith Forum. What’s the question?”

“Why would God favor one football team over another?”

“Why would God…what? What a dumb question! God doesn’t care about…”

Wait a minute. Movie memory.

What was that quote from Chariots of Fire? You know—Eric Liddell, the great Olympic runner who refused to compete on Sunday? What was it he said?

I found it on YouTube:

“I believe God made me for a purpose—for China. But He also made me fast. And when I run I feel His pleasure.”

Interesting. Was he right? Was God pleased when “The Flying Scotsman” ran in the Olympics? If so, could God be pleased when men play football? Didn’t God make them fast? And big? Didn’t He design them with the ability to pass, receive, kick and rush?

Didn’t God grant Joshua favor in conquering Canaan?

Didn’t God grant David favor when he challenged Goliath?

Or Nehemiah when he rebuilt a wall?

Or Joseph in business and Daniel in government?

He did!

Does God care more about wars, duels, construction, business and politics than football? Probably not. It wasn’t the what, but the who. There was something about Joshua, David, Nehemiah, Joseph and Daniel that found favor with God. Something about who they were and how they did things.

Didn’t Paul write, “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God”? If eating and drinking can be done for the glory of God, couldn’t you play football for the glory of God? If so, couldn’t a football team play for the glory of God? If so, couldn’t that team receive God’s favor?

Question is: Does anyone—or any team—really play football for the glory of God?

Posted in Foundations.

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