Graduates, Remember!

[ Note: This post appeared in the Lawrence Journal-World. I was asked to write it for the Faith Forum section. ]

What advice would you give this year’s graduates?

How about some advice from the wisest man who ever lived? No, not me. I’m talking about King Solomon—son of David. The Bible calls him the wisest man who ever lived; the greatest and wealthiest king of his day.

And the greatest failure.

As an old man he tried to warn young people not to make the same mistakes he made. Looking back on his failures, he wrote nine words every young person needs to soak up: “Remember your Creator in the days of your youth.”

Solomon started well—humble before God. But he collected women, wine and wealth. This led him astray. “Remember your Creator”? Young Solomon did just the opposite. He raised his fist to heaven and shouted, “Forget you, God! I’ll do what I want!” But Old Solomon said, “Remember!”

Notice what he called God: “Creator”. No matter what you’ve heard, never let go of this fact: There is a Creator. You don’t get everything from nothing—only from a Creator. It’s foundational to the meaning of life. Remembering you’re not the Creator keeps you humble. Remembering He created you in His image will keep you from self-loathing.

There’s nothing more important “in the days of your youth” (and beyond) than to “remember your Creator.” Elsewhere, Solomon wrote, “Be happy, young man, while you are young!” Youth is good! Youth should be enjoyed! But there are God-given parameters for how youth should be enjoyed. The Creator designed you and knows what is good, right and best for you. If you “forget” Him and ignore what He said in the Bible about how to live, you can expect your life to go the same direction Solomon’s did: empty, meaningless, disastrous.

It’s timeless and precious wisdom. Never forget it: “Remember your Creator in the days of your youth.”

Posted in Foundations.

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