Is Astrology Okay?

[ Note: This post appeared in the Lawrence Journal-World. I was asked to write it for the Faith Forum section. ]

“Is it OK for people of faith to be involved in astrology?”

Allow me to dissect the question first.

“Is it OK…”?

If you just want someone to affirm your choices, you can easily find someone who will say any behavior under the sun is “OK”. Homosexuality, extra-marital sex, drugs, cheating on your taxes, astrology—whatever. But, if there really is a Creator God (and I believe there is), then His opinion is the only one that really matters when the question is, “Is it OK?”

“People of faith”

This literally describes every human on the planet. We all put our “faith” in something—ourselves, some type of man-made religion or the Creator God.

“Involved in Astrology”

Astrology is a matter of putting your “faith” in a self-contradictory, illogical, fatalistic system of predicting the future which is based on an ancient misunderstanding of the earth, the solar system and the stars.

The fact is, astrology is clearly unbiblical—therefore, it is not “OK”. If the Bible is truly from the Creator God, then astrology is a false religion (see Deuteronomy 4:19; 17:2-4; Jeremiah 8:2 and 19:13). Not only is it not “OK,” it’s just plain foolish. God—through the prophet Isaiah—mocked the idea that astrologers could predict the future (see Isaiah 47:13).

The stars are not telling you who you should marry or whether you’re going to have a bad hair day. “The heavens are telling of the glory of God…” (Psalm 19:1). And, the writers of the Bible—speaking for the Creator God—have predicted the future hundreds of times and have always been right.

Why not look to the Maker of the stars for what the future holds?

Posted in Foundations.

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