Why are so many “unchurched”?

[ Note: This post appeared in the Lawrence Journal-World. I was asked to write it for the Faith Forum section. ]

Why Are So Many Americans Unchurched?

There are multiple reasons why so many Americans are unchurched today.

Many believe the church is irrelevant and boring. Many have witnessed too much hypocrisy, fighting and pettiness. No doubt, the church must shoulder much of the responsibility.

But, I think most Americans are unchurched because they don’t understand.

They don’t understand that Jesus started, and is building the church—it belongs to Him. They don’t understand that the church is the central work of God in this age. They don’t understand how much Jesus loves the church—He died for it. They don’t understand that the church is people—imperfect people who needed a perfect Savior to save them from sin and reconcile them to God.

When you understand how important the church is in God’s eyes, you realize it can never be irrelevant and boring. It is wildly important and has eternal significance. Those who understand how important the church is find it much easier to put up with boring preachers and immature bickering and all those things that imperfect people bring to an organization.

Our families are imperfect, but we know how important family is so we put up with the irritations and work through the problems. I grew up in a church that was legalistic. I later attended a church that was constantly fighting over something.

But I’ve also been a part of churches that were healthy. They were like families—not perfect, but full of love and joy and encouragement.

My advice to the “unchurched” is to not give up. There are churches out there that will love you and help you and encourage you.

Give it another shot.

Posted in Foundations.

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